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Tutastic Online tutoring


Emma is a great tutor with lots of patience and understanding. She makes lessons look easy for my son. 


We are very happy with Emma. She has been very helpful and very kind. Truly concerned about teaching what is necessary and finding the most comfortable and efficient way to do it.

Jun, China

I am so grateful that Emma can be my son’s teacher! He didn't like to read before. We’ve tried several teachers, but none of them could win my son’s heart like Emma! Her lesson is always interesting and creative! Now he adores reading more than ever under Emma’s tutoring. 

Tutastic Online Tuition

Tutastic online tutoring

Are you looking for an online tutor? Then look no further, we are waiting to hear from you. 


Hi, my name is Emma and I am the founder of Tutastic. I am a friendly, reliable professional with over 20 years of domestic and international experience. I have worked in a variety of educational settings including, schools, colleges, adult learning centres and online virtual classrooms.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Online Tutoring Options

Child attening online tuition North East
Adult receiving online tuition North East
  • English as a second language (ESL), for adults.

  • Conversational English.

  • Improve your grammar and pronunciation.

  • Practice speaking and listening with a qualified tutor.

  • All primary age groups welcome, from 5 - 11 years.

  • English as a second language (ESL), for children.

  • Tuition in all core National Curriculum subjects is available.

  • Reading comprehension practice.

  • Fun with Phonics 

  • Mastering Mathematics

  • Science

  • Year 6 SATs revision support.

  • Practice speaking and listening with our conversational classes.

How We Teach Online

1. All you need is a computer or tablet with a webcam and microphone.

2. Your tutor will send you an ID number that you will use every lesson to enter the virtual classroom. 

3. Lessons will be held on the  Zoom video platform. 

tutastic online tutoring

Web links

  • Whatsapp
  • Facebook
  • 我如何预约课程?
    要预订课程,您可以使用 Wattsapp、电子邮件或使用位于每页底部的联系表格。我们所有的联系方式都可以在网站的联系方式部分找到。我们的目标是在 24 小时内回复您的消息。
  • 在线课程需要什么设备?
  • 我如何进入虚拟课堂?
    在您联系我们并安排课程后,我们将向您发送 Zoom ID 号码。接下来,访问 Zoom 网站 并单击显示以下内容的选项卡“加入。”在“会议 ID”中输入 ID 号框,您将被发送到虚拟教室。首先,您将被安排到虚拟等候室,但您的导师会在正确的时间让您进入。
  • 如何上课?
  • 您教授 ESL 团体课程吗?
    是的,我们愿意。 我们最多可以教授 12 人的课程。 您可能有一个想要提高英语水平的友谊小组,或者您可能是需要英语工作的同事。无论出于何种原因,请联系我们并让我们知道您的要求。学生通常会发现与他人一起学习很有趣,当班上有几个人时,练习对话会更容易。 团体课程比个人课程便宜。根据班级规模,价格从每人 12 英镑到 15 英镑不等。
  • 导师是否持有正式资格?
    是的,我们所有的导师都拥有教学学位或 PGCE 形式的合格教师资格。 教授英语作为第二语言的导师均获得剑桥 CELTA 认证。 此外,Tustic导师也拥有超过5年的教学经验。 我们是很棒的导师!
  • 课程有多少?
    第一节课半价。这是由您决定导师是否适合您以及在线课程是否适合您的需求。 试听课程后,价格将取决于课程长度、主题以及团体还是个人。单独的课程通常更贵。 课程价格从 12.00 英镑(团体课程)到 30.00 英镑(个人课程)不等。 如果您希望课程时长为 45 分钟,那么价格将反映这一点。
  • 我如何支付课程费用?
    课程可以通过直接银行转帐或通过 PayPal 支付。课程费用必须提前支付。您可以每周付款,也可以我们向您发送发票并每月付款。如果您无法提前支付课程费用,请告知我们,我们也许可以做出替代安排。 有关更多信息,请参阅本网站的付款和政策部分。

Mob / Wattsapp:UK 07311218750


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